on the way home from a trip to the Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield. the sun is setting and reflecting off the Sacramento downtown buildings.
so pretty :)
My Musings and other Random Thoughts
A collection of my thoughts, random observations, sites I've enjoyed, etc.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Friday, March 5, 2010
The Hunt
I am hunting. Job hunting that is. I have not been in the active job market for some time. I have moved around with in my current employer for the past 4 years. Before that I was with the same company for 6 years. So, its all new (again) to me. I am job hunting because I am getting married and moving to So Cal. Therefore, as our last name isn’t Trump or Gates, I must find employment. It can be overwhelming, daunting and depressing. I know some people that have been out of work for a year almost and they aren’t having much luck.
I am looking on Monster.com and CareerBuilder.com I am also looking at local, county and state government job sites. I have no college degree but I have 12+ years of customer service/admin/clerical experience in various areas including retail, and office. Face-to-face, phone and internal only. I’ve done sales, cashiering, research, agenda writing, scheduling, meeting preparation and minutes, procedure writing, training, etc. I’ve worked in small retail, large retail, major company and local government. All these things have given me many skills but sometimes I get eliminated right off the bat because “no degree”. It can be quite frustrating.
I am also amazed that some places have the nerve to offer a salary of $9 per hour and then require a college degree. As if a person with a degree would take a job that pays so crappy?? I guess someone somewhere might but I sure as heck wouldn’t!!
I am visiting So Cal again for a couple days next week as its my birthday (Yay!) :). I hope to look around for some local options while I am down there. I really am not set on any one type of job, I just want one that wont drive me crazy and pays fairly decent $. I have been spoiled in my jobs of the last 10 years. Making pretty darn good $ and good benefits. All without a college degree.
Not that I don’t want to get one. I do. I’ve even started going back and getting some classes done. But I don’t want to start up again full force until I am settled into my new location.
In the meantime, I will accept a wide variety of employment. Hopefully something fun/interesting because then I’d be more likely to stay on for longer.
Here's hoping!
Back to the hunt!! :)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Wedding Planning (Part 1 of 1,000000000000)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Road Trip - Short weekend visit in LA
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Updating Again
I've been down to LA quite a few times and its harder to leave each time. I want to be there. One thing that did happen recently was my birthday. #31. One fun thing about my birthday was me and my BF going to Disneyland/CA Adventure. Got in free to both parks. Disneyland on my birthday and CA Adventure the next day. The two-park/two-day thing is a promo for So Cal residents. I'm practically a So Cal resident! haha! It was fun but man my feet hurt!! I forgot how much walking is involved and was soooo tired. We didn't even stay the whole day either day. But it was still a blast! It was just us two adults so we could go on whatever rides we felt like and skip the ones with lines too long.

It was a fun few days and I didnt want to leave (as usual). I then went back two weeks later for the weekend. lol. I am sure I will be going back again soon!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Catching Up
Some things that have happened since my last post... I went to a really fun concert on Saturday. Yay Ingrid Michaelson! :) It was a very fun small venue and she's a great singer/performer. One of those natural, non-studio-created types. And she has a fun sense of humor. She sang songs from her new and previous albums and also did a cover of Creep. It was awesome. She for fun sang the Ice Ice Baby song and the Fresh Prince of Bel Aire song. It was amazing to me how many people in the audience actually knew all the words! hahaha :)
A much less fun thing happend after that concert. My friend and I walked less than a block back to my car only to find some loser had busted out my front passenger window and opened my glove box and center console. They ended up taking my iPod. Those Ba$tard$!! my poor ipod was in my center console, not left out and they won the robbery lotto by picking my car out of the others and finding my ipod. Now I've been ipod-less for a week and I miss it terribly. Its funny because not 3 years ago I didnt have one. However, I did have a CD player, so music is frequently around me. As the police dont respond to petty theft calls, I took my friend to her house and she invited me to stay in her guest room because I was pretty upset and I needed to figure out what to do. The next day, I made some calls to get quotes, check insurance deductibles, etc. and try and figure out what to do. Shes such a great friend because she helped me vaccum out my car of the glass and then even took her steam cleaner and cleaned my carpets and seats. Except for a missing window, my car looked all pretty again! The next day she even picked me up and took me to work and met the glass repair guy at her house. I had left it there because she has a garage and I do not and I didnt want my car getting stolen before I had a chance to fix it. So now my car is all fixed but I am still ipod-less. Now I have to decide if I get a new one or make puppy dog eyes at various people in my life, hoping they will get me a new one for Christmas. Hahaha :) I guess time will tell! :)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Yellow Roses are my favorite
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
I Feel Lucky
I knew how it felt to be another one in need
of someone to show the way
Until you saw a part of me that nobody else
Could see and my life hasn't been the same...
You make me feel lucky as I can be...
You make me feel lucky as I can be...
Before I couldn't get a break,
Never had a chance to make
The impressions I want to
But now it falls right into place
When I get to see your face
Then there's nothing that I can't do...
You make me feel lucky as I can be...
No more dark days, only sun rays
No more hard ways with you today
You make me feel...
You make me feel lucky as I can be...